Do you want to give refugees from Ukraine an opportunity for a new life and offer them a job? We will be happy to help you!
We connect refugees with Czech employers and help them with recruitment and employment of Ukrainian people. We provide free Counseling and Assistance services.
Let‘s find and hire suitable candidates together
- At first we will search for suitable candidates in our internal database, where we currently register hundreds of job applicants
- Then we will translate your job offer into Ukrainian (our colleagues are Ukrainian and we have native translators and interpreters)
- We will target Ukrainian on 17 job portals or as promoted posts on social networks
- Necessary documents will be transalated into Ukrainian – ads, contracts, working procedures and manuals, guidelines or internal communication
- We provide professional service and assistance both with tenders and interviews directly to your company – thanks to translations, it simplifies the recruitment process
We help people to find a job as quickly as possible throughout the Czech Republic. At ManpowerGroup, we have been connecting people from Ukraine with well-paid and qualified positions in Czechias for 7 years. In 2021, we conducted 107 tenders for 46 clients and implemented 1,097 entries of foreign workers.
We ensure complete transparency and a highly professional legal and ethical approach. For the thirteenth time, our ManpowerGroup has been recognized by the Ethisphere® Institute as one of the most ethical companies in the world, the World’s Most Ethical Company 2022. We are the only company in our industry with such high ethical standards.
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consent1: "Please tick consent to the processing of personal data" }, errorElement: "em", errorPlacement: function ( error, element ) { // Add the `help-block` class to the error element error.addClass( "help-block" );
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